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Gaza is Our Home

  • Stone Circle Theatre 59-14 70th Avenue Queens, NY, 11385 United States (map)

Screening + Live Discussion + Mutual Aid Fundraiser

The director Monear Shaer will be in attendance to introduce the film & for the post-screening discussion where we will be joined via Zoom by Monear's surviving family members in Gaza who have been using the proceeds from screenings if this film to engage in mutual aid for their community.

GAZA IS OUR HOME (Monear Shaer, 2024, 66 mins)

With over 150 of his family members trapped in the Gaza Strip, and the agonizing losses of over 33 loved ones, Monear immediately set on a mission to share their stories with the world. Amidst the ongoing genocide of his family, and with no prior experience, Monear urgently began production of a painfully personal and deeply intimate documentary, that shares a raw and unfiltered look into the lives of those that call Gaza home. What began as a simple slideshow highlighting the beauty of the people of Gaza, primarily through footage and photos of his own trip to see his family in 2021–he's since transformed into a feature-length documentary.

Sun, Feb 16th

6pm Doors / Film 7pm

Stone Circle Theatre

59-14 70th Ave, Ridgewood, Queens

Suggested donation $5-20

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