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ONLINE: Little Palestine, Diary of A Seige

Documentary, 1h 29m

Yarmouk Camp in Damascus, Syria, was once home to the largest concentration of Palestinian refugees. Abdallah Al-Khatib's record of its brutal siege is vital viewing.

In 2013, the Assad regime blocked all routes in and out of Yarmouk. Under siege, its inhabitants were deprived of food, water and contact with the outside world. Al-Khatibs' camera takes us through the districts' streets, meeting elders, participating in lively protests. Children wise beyond their years tell us where they find meaning; their dreams all involve food. As food shortages reach alarming levels, the regime’s bombing campaign also intensifies. Al-Khatib's poetic reflections, published at the time as //40 Rules of Siege//, underscores escalating disaster:

//When the future sticks out its tongue sarcastically

When the most obvious answers to simple questions

Are a rare as a lump of sugar//.

An act of witness and solidarity, Al-Khatib's diary is testament to the dignity of the human spirit.

Writer & Director: Abdallah Al-Khatib

Editor: Qutaiba Barhamji

Cinematography: Basel Abdullah, Abdallah Al-Khatib, Majd M.A. Almassri, Yahya Diaa, Mohamad R.M. Hamid, Qusai Abu Qasem, Mouayad Zaghmout

Artistic Advisor: Ahmad Amro

Producers: Mohammad Ali Atassi & Jean-Laurent Csinidis

Production Companies: Bidayyat for Audiovisual Arts & Films de Force Majeure

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